Corey Cain Corey Cain

Welcome to my website !

While most of the world was giggling as Facebook crashed face first into the pavement earlier in the week, small business owners and artists like myself were not quite as amused. For most of the world a Facebook crash is likely a net positive event but for people like myself it was just a bit unnerving to say the least. I had spent the better part of the last 3 years building a brand and an audience for my photography on social media and Facebook is by far the biggest reason for the success I have had so far. I had just spent the weekend chasing foliage around northern Maine and was excited to show you all the images. Once they were ready to go I went to post them and Facebook was just gone ! At first I thought I was having internet issues but realize quickly that was not the problem. Then once I realized it was an outage my first thought was that ‘Ok I guess there is not much I can do today so I will just chill out and relax” Then as the hours went on I started to think about what would happen to my business if Facebook did ever in fact disappear and the answer to that question was simple…my business would disappear ! I have worked hard cultivating an audience of over 13,000 loyal supporters that share my work to over a quarter of a million people every month and with a single mouse click it was all gone and I was helpless to fix it. It was then that the obvious mistakes I have made in building this business were just so glaring that I could no longer pretend they didn't exist. In the coming weeks I am going to be restructuring how I operate my business. I will still be using Facebook every day just as I always have but I have launched my own official website and all the images and posts will originate there and then I will share them or copy them out to social media. I highly encourage you all to visit and check out all the galleries I added. I will be adding items to the storefront daily and please if you do visit hit up the “contact me” page and send me a message so I have your email in case Facebook ever goes dark again !

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